If you are a security expert you probably already know many tools that help you in this work, and if not, you should also try, since Wireshark has reached version 2.0.2 today, updated to provide support for the latest standards and protocols, to continue their work in the field of computer security.
There exists a large number of distributions “pentesting” and security, and Wireshark usually in the vast majority . With this software we can discover security vulnerabilities or capture all traffic flowing through the network to which we are connected.
Wireshark is updated to version 2.0.2
Wireshark developers have worked hard. Today it has released a new update of this security tool with which we can verify the security of our network and audit networks that connect us.
This patch includes some important security improvements that have been recently discovered as a shot into a DLL of this software or some infinite loops that took place when using specific features.
As a novelty, Wireshark version 2.0.2 includes new protocols and is able to support more types of files of captured packets. This new version has updated some as popular as HTTP, SSL, TCP, IPv4, IPv6 or PPTP among many others.
As usual, you can download this powerful tool for Windows, Mac OS X or Linux, from the following links:
Download Wireshark 2.0.2 for Windows
Download Wireshark 2.0.2 for Mac OS X
Download Wireshark 2.0.2 for Linux
If you like security audits directly or computer security, you can not help but try Wireshark for all these operating systems. It is an important tool that will be very useful as you learn to use it in depth. There are many tutorials on the Internet that help us handle it with ease.

Entusiasta de la seguridad cibernética. Especialista en seguridad de la información, actualmente trabajando como especialista en infraestructura de riesgos e investigador.
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