Keeping up with the latest cyber-threats, including new forms of malware, and gaining insight on which systems are adequately protected from threats all make the list of the top security challenges for 2015 in a new survey. But data breaches loom as the Big Kahuna of worry for most IT professionals.
EiQ Networks’ Security Monitoring survey took a look at the levels of confidence in existing security technologies with indicators on the most pressing priorities and biggest challenges in protecting information systems. When it comes to infrastructure concerns, the headaches appear to be fragmented: Mobility (18%), networks (17%), endpoints (16%), databases (13%), cloud (13%), web applications (14%) and virtualization (7%) were chosen as representing the weak points. But one unifying theme ties these together: concern that these weaknesses will lead to data breaches.

Trabajando como arquitecto de soluciones de ciberseguridad, Alisa se enfoca en la protección de datos y la seguridad de datos empresariales. Antes de unirse a nosotros, ocupó varios puestos de investigador de ciberseguridad dentro de una variedad de empresas de seguridad cibernética. También tiene experiencia en diferentes industrias como finanzas, salud médica y reconocimiento facial.
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