Anonymous statement: KKK is a terrorist group, KKK responds poorly

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The KKK threatened to use lethal force against Ferguson protesters;Anonymous successfully retaliated against Ku Klux Klan’s Ferguson threats by taking over two primary Twitter accounts, keeping KKK websites offline and outing KKK members.

Anonymous statement KKK is a terrorist group
In its statementtonight, Anonymous explains that through the Klan’s Twitter account, it obtained large amounts of information on multiple white supremacists, and “members of Anonymous who seized the account are continuing to debate if the identities of the people associated with the Klan’s account should be released to the public.”
(…) We want to be sure we are ousting the right people. It would be against everything Anonymous does if we publicly released the information of the innocent. (…)Once the operation is considered a complete success, we will remove the account from Twitter.
